Thursday, April 7, 2011

Le Petit Prince

The Little Prince is a novel full of adventure, suspense, and surprise. There are moments full of laughter and others full of tears. Without a single predictable moment in the book every twist and turn in the plot is a surprise. Through all the various characters in the book there remains a single concrete moral, “L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” (Saint-Exupéry, 73)
In the beginning of the novel, there is a pilot who has crashed his plane in the desert. Out of nowhere appears a little man who calls himself The Little Prince. The Little Prince is an inquisitive young boy who can’t help but ask tons of questions, including if the pilot will draw him a sheep. The pilot is very confused about where the boy came from, but he attempts to draw him a sheep anyways. The pilot and the prince continue talking and the pilot learns that the prince is from a small planet called Asteroid B612. The prince goes on to tell about his many adventures on the other planets in the universe. As times goes on the prince and the pilot become close. One day the pilot runs out of water. He and the little prince are determined to find a well and get some water. They go on an adventure walking through the desert to find a source of water and the prince tells the pilot about his encounters with a fox and a snake. The pilot is very interested about the snake and asks him to explain. The little Prince tells him more and just as the Pilot gets concerned, they find water. The Pilot is so happy and they drink as much water as they can. The little Prince tells the pilot he plans to return to his planet as soon as he can because it’s the 1 year anniversary since he had arrived on Earth. The little Prince leaves as the pilot is sleeping and finds the snake and allows himself to be bitten. The Little Prince “returns” to his planet.
In my opinion, I believe the Little Prince is an Alien. In this sentence from the novel the little prince states, “Alors, toi aussi tu viens du ciel!” This quote shows that the Little Prince came from the sky, which is Outer Space, where aliens come from. The Prince goes on to ask “Tu viens donc d'une autre planète?” This leads us to believe that the Prince himself is from another planet, which constitutes him to be an alien life form. As the Little Prince talks about his adventures the pilot remembers him saying “Il se trouvait dans la région des astéroi"des 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 et 330. Il commença donc par les visiter pour y chercher une occupation et pour s'instruire.” Only an alien life form from another planet could visit all those neighboring planets, as well as grab the legs of space birds to fly him to earth.
In conclusion, do to the finding of overwhelming evidendce, I have concluded that the Little Prince was in fact an alien. I believe the Little Prince came down from his planet( which is purple with orange polka dots) to explore and discover as much information as he could before he had to return home. I find that the Little Prince was in many ways like our idealistic stereotype of an Alien; furthermore, through the way he gathered information about mankind and our human species. The Little Prince may not have had a strange skin color, tentacles, or extra bodyparts; however, that does not mean he is not an alien. Mankinds stereotype of aliens may be very tainted and incorrect unknown to todays knowledge. Through my exstensive searching and reading of the book, I find the Little Prince is an Alien. The Little Prince is an ALIEN, there is no other option.

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